Friday, April 24, 2015

The Reasons I Want to Smack my Husband.

Being a new parent is hard. It becomes more difficult when you and your significant other are not on the same page. I am in that boat right now. My husband thinks I should just put our son down when he is crying after he has been fed and changed because he thinks he needs to just reset. Sure, that is logical, but newborn babies are not logical. It's just lazy parenting on his part and it is pissing me off. I'm home all day with this kid and up throughout the night with him. This is what I have learned about our son. During the day he likes stimulation and human contact. He likes to bounce and swing, but from a person, not a machine. You cannot spoil a newborn. I may leave the house tomorrow morning during his fussy time so he can become familiar with what it is like. I don't trust him though since he likes to think out kid will soothe himself. That is terrible to say and obviously something in our relationship we need to work on asap.

He is really freaking cute though.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Well it has been awhile...

So I haven't updated this in almost 2 years. My things have changed. For one, I got married. For two, I had a baby! Three weeks and one day ago to be exact. I have started this up again mostly to help me track losing the baby weight and getting back into fitness. Also, since I am home all the time with a baby, writing things out every once and awhile may help my sanity at times.

First things first; I got put on bed rest at 32.5 weeks. I had to stop working and stop working out. So it has been a long time since I have lifted any weights. Once I got off bed rest I cleaned out my garage and did yard work and stuff, but haven't been to the gym in a LONG time! I miss it of course. May 4th is my appointment with my OB to get cleared for normal activities. So I have been allowed to walk. I walk almost every morning and luckily we have a lot of hills in our area so I feel like I get some exercise. I ended up gaining about 40lbs with pregnancy (I ballooned the last couple weeks). So far I have lost 20 and that came off very fast. Now I've plateaued, but hopefully I can start moving in the right direction once I am cleared to exercise again.

Now about my diet. I need to clean it up a bit. I'm breastfeeding which makes me hungry all the time. I've never been one to limit food, but I do need to clean up what I am eating. I'm trying to focus on a lot of protein, veggies, and fruit. The problem with not sleeping much is I start to snack more throughout the day. That is fine, I just need to focus on what I am eating. I'm not going to count calories yet since the kiddo eats every 1-2 hours but maybe st 3 months.

Anyways, I'm getting tired and a little loopy so I may lay down since the kid is asleep. I will start documenting with photos soon, but they are not backed up on google drive so I need to work on that.