I've been reading more blogs online recently. Health and fitness blogs to be exact. Now some are awesome, with genuinely healthy people that do not obsess about what they eat, but others...Some people are restrictive, only eating certain foods. Others are following something called "intuitive eating" which appears to be a good idea, but I think some people use it as an excuse to binge eat (probably after all the restrictive eating they have been doing). No, I have no idea
why I care about these random internet people and what they eat. I think it is just annoying that food is still so important and obsessed about among women. Food, of course, is important, but so are friends and family and books and "Star Trek" and doggies and about a zillion other things worth talking about more than food and how much you exercised. I will tell you what, I do not care how "little" you ate or how you "only had (insert low-calorie food here)" even though you went to the gym 4 hours. What a waste of time and life to obsess about these things. I'm so angry about it in part because I see it in myself to an extent. I am better than I used to be, but I am not going to delusion myself into thinking I do not feel guilty as hell if I don't get 5 days of exercise in a week. I'm working on it though and I do not only "allow" myself certain foods if I went to the gym. I think finding the balance is important. I will not miss important things because I think I have to go workout, I will not deny myself certain foods because I didn't go to the gym one day. I will not care if I go home after lifting instead of doing cardio because I am hungry after an 11 hour day. I will however feed my body the real nutrients it needs, I will keep it strong by both strengthening and doing cardio, I will sleep well, I will drink water.
I will not obsess.
I will continue to watch
Bro Science and laugh my ass off.
And I swear to science if I hear someone say the word "skinny" again before a delicious food I will punch them. Just eat your damn food and don't brag about it being healthy. Just eat, don't be crazy.
End rant.