I need to start meal planning again! I feel I have been slightly out of control with my food recently and it is reflecting in my weight. I had gotten down to my lowest weight, but now I am back up and that makes me sad :( Keep in mind, these are all weights within 5 lbs or so of each other so I don't panic that much. My lifts were good last week, but my cardio was not. Also, I only worked out 4 days instead of 5. Well tomorrow begins a new week! So back to meal planning.
Breakfast: Toast w/ peanut butter and banana
Lunch: Sandwich (not sure what kind yet)
Dinner: Steak with roasted vegetables (zucchini, onion, maybe cook up some spinach)
Snacks: Hummus and pretzel crisps probably...because I am obsessed.
Tomorrow at the gym I think I will do legs or back and biceps. Maybe a total body weight workout. We'll see what I feel like when I get there.
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