Friday, August 25, 2017

Lentil Coconut Curry

I made a yummy dish yesterday for meal prep and I want to write it down so I don't forget. I'm not great at measuring so it will not be exact but eh...

1 cup lentils (I used green)
1 can coconut milk
About 2 TBSP red curry paste
1 red onion diced
1 red bell pepper diced
2 gloves garlic minced
Squirt of lemon juice
1 tsp vegetable boullion
1 head of broccoli
Some basil
Extra red pepper and/or curry seasoning to taste

1. Add onion, garlic, and red pepper to a pan with some water (could use oil, but I'm avoiding oil, extra salt, and sugar).
2. After a few minutes, add coconut milk, lentils, and curry paste.
3. Add vegetable bouillon and some lemon juice.
4. Cover and cook on med-low heat until lentils are soft. Stir occasionally. Taste occasionally and add extra spice, curry flavor, or salt as desired.
5. Once lentils are almost to desired consistency, add broccoli and basil (I wanted my broccoli still green and crisp so added it later, but it is your preference).
6. Allow to simmer until lentils and broccoli are desired consistency.
7. Serve over rice, noodles, or eat plain.

It was tasty, but would have been improved with a little extra salt. I'm still not completely used to lower-sodium foods (probably because I cheat sometimes), but I am really trying to avoid adding salt if possible. This reheats well. I ate it for breakfast-lunch (at 10 am) with cauliflower rice and I remembered that I am not a huge fan of cauliflower rice and should have made regular rice!

Saturday, August 5, 2017


Monday, July 24th, I had my annual physical with my doctor and my blood pressure was 138/70!! Very close to stage 1 hypertension. So I immediately cut my sodium waaay down (like less than 1200 mg) for a few day and my BP dropped almost instantly. The past two days I have had more sodium, but my blood pressure is still down. I'm back on track today though. Yesterday my cousin and I took our kids to the International Wildlife Museum and then we went to McDonald's which of course is loaded with sodium. Then I had half a sandwich later in the evening which added on tons more sodium. I feel a little puffy and bloated today, but my bp is still down so as long as I stay back on track today and don't have another cheat meal/day for a week or so I should be okay. For breakfast I had oatmeal with a bunch of fruit and I know for lunch I am going to make a tofu scramble with a bunch of veggies.

My weight has come down a bit, but went up some with the past few days of eating more junk (and too much). I'm disappointed in myself for getting out of control, but I have to remember that the overall picture is what matters more. I didn't weigh myself today because I feel so puffy (plus that time of the month is here), but I have been trying to weight myself daily. I will tomorrow after a day of healthy eating today. 

I feel a bit healthier, but I've also still been really tired. The first few days where my bp dropped down to 110/70 or so I was exhausted and dizzy. A 28 point drop in systolic will do that I guess. 

I am worried about how I will sustain healthy eating during the semester since I tend to eat out way more because I am so far away from home. Eating out, even healthy options, all have tons of sodium. Chris and I bought a decent sized cooler for camping this summer and I think I will put food in there since it kept food really cool. Either way, my body just has to withstand one more year of nursing school!