Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Workouts and Cheez-Its

God damn I love CHEEZ-ITs. I'm eating them right now and they are delicious! And no, I do not care if they make me fat. I may go on a diet 3 months before my wedding, but for now I will eat whatever and just workout a lot. I have frustrations to vent and I am going to do that here because I can. I get off work, come home and walk the dogs. Then I make dinner (which Chris doesn't eat because he eats crap at work). Then I go to the gym, come home, and then do the dishes. What did my husband-to-be do while this was happening? Nothing. Not a damn thing that didn't involve video games. I did try to get him to come to the gym with me for the 3000th time to no avail. Yesterday he did something really nice. He cooked me dinner since my back was killing me from dead lifts. I know it is pointless to keep score, but that barely makes up for Saturday when he slept all day while I went to the grocery store, picked up all the dog poop, cleaned the kitchen, and steam cleaned the living room. Now I know I am high energy, higher than most, but I do expect some level of work to be put into the relationship and I am just not getting that. I guess it is important for me to remember that I can only change myself and I can only control myself. Oh the plus side, I have still not had a drop of alcohol. The beer in my fridge is calling me though. I know I am eating more as mental compensation for the lack of alcohol. My brain needs something. Exercise is, of course, always something I turn to (these days anyways), but food is also. I think if I did not exercise like I do, I would be really fat.

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