Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday is finally here!

This was a very fast week, but a week where I am exceptionally glad that it is Friday! The main reason why is because I am going to the Renaissance Festival tomorrow which is one of my favorite events of the year. Here are a few photos from last year and I plan on reliving every wonderful moment. This does however mean I am going to eat like a pig all day tomorrow. I went to the gym today in anticipation, but I probably could have worked harder. It is difficult to go to the gym right after work on a Friday. I am missing my normal chest/shoulder/triceps day so I did it today. I did a complete half-assed job though. Then I ran, but only a mile. Yesterday I ran 3 miles and did some abs. Well not all weeks can be spectacular.

I am doing this run on March 16. My company is paying for our registration fee which is awesome. I haven't done any sort of event since November (El Tour de Tucson) so I have been feeling the itch for a race of some sort. Not that I ever care much about time for anything, I just like finishing these events and getting a T-shirt.

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